Marketing Communications

Our Best Words sends all documents through a rigid Quality Assurance (QA)  and Editing process.

QA and Testing

Procedural documents (like various instructional guides) need to be checked for accuracy and usability. Our team tests the procedures by running them in real-time, exactly according to the guide. This process can alert your team about potential problems and bugs in your system as well as correct the information and steps in the document itself.

Editing and Proofreading

Any document or book, once created or updated, needs to be checked for content, clarity, substance, ease of understanding, and aligned with organizational branding. The Our Best Words team includes a pool of experienced proofreaders and editors who will perform a traditional proofread and also copy edits (for content), production edits (for consistent look and feel), substantive edits (for overall structure, flow and completeness), rewriting, document and project evaluation and other in-depth assistance as needed.

To receive a free estimate, please send us your requirements below.