Our Best Words Blog

All courses are conducted in English and
are open for Olim as well as veterans.

Jerusalem, March 27 2011 – Our Best Words (OBW), a Jerusalem-based company providing technical writing services and training, announced today that it is launching new technical and marketing writing, as well as MarCom courses at the premises of the Association of Americans & Canadians in Israel (AACI) in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Netanya, Beer Sheva, and the Galilee. (For more information about the AACI, please visit the AACI website at: www.aaci.org.il)

The course “Introduction to Marketing Communications (MarCom)” will start on May 4, 2011. This course will consist of four sessions on Wednesdays from 5:00pm-9:00pm at AACI Jerusalem and will also include the professional use of Power Point by Marketing Communicators. After completion, graduates can proceed to an advanced MarCom course that will be offered later this summer.

Upon successful completion of this advanced course, our students will have the skill set to handle the aspects of marketing communications and marketing writing,” said Ephraim King, CEO of Our Best Words. “They will be able to leverage their skills in all kinds of companies and organizations, including Business to Business (B2B), Business to Customers (B2C), and non-profits.”

Financial details:

Introductory Course (four sessions of 4 hours each):
₪ 990 (10% discount for AACI members)
Advanced Course (twelve sessions of 4 hours each):
₪ 2,900 (10% discount for AACI members)

Immigrants who have been in Israel for less than 10 years could be eligible for special training grants (“vouchers”) from the Ministry of Absorption. (For more information, please visit: http://www.moia.gov.il/Moia_en/Employment/VoucherProject.htm

About Our Best Words
Our Best Words (OBW) specializes in providing quality technical communications to customers worldwide. The Company enjoys close relationships with a broad range of businesses – from startups to Fortune 500 companies. Offerings include corporate technical documentation, localization, technical communication, and technical marketing services worldwide. The Our Best Words team is comprised of experienced and dedicated professionals with years of experience in technical and marketing communications.

For more information or to sign up for a course, please contact:

Our Best Words Main Office: 02-656-3369
US & Canada: 1-786-507-8206
Ephraim King, CEO: 050-529-0775
Tracey Shipley, Marketing Coordinator: 054-810-8918
Email: info@ourbestwords.com
Website: www.ourbestwords.com

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